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Student Life-Hacks 


Tables vs Words

Using tables and diagrams in your notes will help you better remember information. 


Pen Colors

Using different color pens will help you remember things better. If you don't have multiple colors, blue pens help you recall better than black pens. 


Taking Notes

Paraphrase or bullet point your notes. You will remember them better and they will be quicker to write. 


The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is using a timer that allows you to HEAR the ticking of seconds (kitchen timer or 'Pomodoro App') and working for 25 minutes straight. After completing a full 25 minutes, reward yourself/take a break. Repeat. 



You may not think much of it, but exercise helps to make you happy! It helps to create endorphins and stave off depression. Whether it is walking or dancing, get moving! 


Use a Planner

Buy/Make (I can help) a planner and actually USE it. Make yourself check it morning and night - and either add or cross off one thing per day. Make it a habit.  


Drink Water

Have a headache? Drink water. 

Falling asleep? Drink water. 

Can't wake up in the worming? Drink water. 


Study Method

Find out how you study best. Do you need to rewrite the notes? Draw pictures? Test a friend? Make flashcards? Take a few evenings to figure it out. 



With your teacher. With your classmates. You should have at least one (note-taking) buddy in every class. Especially when you get into college. 


Habits. Habits. Habits!

Get yourself in the habits of making a weekly list of things due/that you have to do. Get in the habit of creating and checklist and crossing all of it off . Get in the habit of good time management. 

Evernote (App)

Evernote is a note taking app that is AWESOME. It allows you to take notes, directly link things, and upload files to a virtual binder. 

No Multitasking

Multitasking is not real. You actually just switch focus between different tasks, which decreases overall productivity. 

Get Organized

Getting organized with binders, folders, and time management (use a planner) will change your life. 

Lists. Lists. Lists. 

Making a list and order it by priority (most important at the top of the list) and get those things done first so you can relax a bit on the later tasks. 


Take a big task and turn it into a bunch of smaller tasks. One big essay = main idea, important points, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, conclusion

Sleep. Seriously. 

The human body needs (ideally) 7-9 hours of sleep to function most efficiently. Only a few individuals in the world need 4-6. Put the phone down. SLEEP. 

Eat Healthy

Takis and Ramen are delicious, but use them as treats, not staples. Eat healthy - your body and brain will thank you. Remember, you are what you eat. 

Mental Health is Important

Take time for yourself and getting to know/understand how you respond to stress and other pressures. Coping with everyday problems is an important skill to have. 

Use your School Email 

Link it to your phone! You need to get the notifications from Google Classroom, email teachers, make a paper trail. 

Don't Blame Others

Be an advocate for your own education. If you forgot to/didn't get around to doing your homework or mess up on a test, take responsibility (unless something blatant and outrageous happened). 

Tips for Students, By Students

Make the things you do something you love, whether it's for your major or boring Algebra 2. That way, you're more willing to complete assignments and organize notes. 

- D. Hardnett

Don't stay up past eleven, sleep is important and you'll regret it tomorrow. Also, find a system that works for you (such as keeping notebooks in your bag, but switching binders) consistency is key.  

-A. Islas

Don't take easy classes just to be with your friends. Challenge yourself!

(From a graduating senior)

- N. Hamler

Do NOT try to multitask. There is actually no such thing. We learned it in Anatomy class. What we think of as multitasking is just us switching between tasks really quickly and it makes the quality of the task so much worse. 

- K. Barnes

Make a buddy in each class that you can rely on and you can help each other stay in check. Always ask for help - if you don't understand it, go to tutorials. 

- A. Rhodes

I started using the App myStudyLife and it helps me keep up with everything. You should give it a try. 

-J. Rogers

In order to get better at something, you have to practice. So, do your classwork and homework! Practice makes perfect!

- J. Carey

Sticky notes are my saviors. I have so many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Dollar tree sells them and they make my notes awesome. I remember stuff better when all those colors stand out. 

- C. Warner

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