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Science with a Slice

Class site of a teacher who  loves science (and pizza)

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Helpful Sites

Click on the icons    to go to the sites. 

Supply List


You will need a 3-ring binder specifically for my class. Please do not share binders with other classes, as you will find it turns into a mess. Inside this binder you will need paper and a few (probably 3-4) dividers. 


Access to  Internet

In order to access assignments, announcements, and materials, you will need to be able to sign on to Google Classroom. That is where all e-assignments will be submitted. Having access to GC via your phone, a computer, or a tablet is extremely important. If you don't have consistent access to a device with Internet, come talk to me and we will figure it out. 



You could be the smartest person in the world, but if you come into class thinking it is going to be boring, or you hate the subject, or you are having a bad day, so this class is going to match, it will be all those things. Come in with an open mind and you optimize your learning, engagement, and all around happiness in the classroom. 



We will take notes from lectures occasionally,  but will for sure, need a writing utensil of some sort every single day. Some days you will need a high lighter, or multiple colors. I will have a few extras, but don't count on it as my pens and pencils seem to grow legs and walk out of my classroom. 


A Special/Fancy Folder

A folder that is used only for special papers  and/or homework so that nothing  gets lost. This folder should go with you to every class and only leave your backpack  when getting something out of it/putting something in and then it should go right back into the bag. 

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